My mental spas

I grew up in an environment surrounded by strong feminine influences. 
Having spent my childhood in a joint-family, I had never been restricted to anything which are gender-biased. 
At school I played a lot of sports, did some heavy-duty cleaning, there was no boy-thing girl-thing; at home, we were expected to know everything from changing the fuse wire to handling the spanners and screwdriver for tasks around the house. I was taught to live life, and manage it, without a thought that there were gender-based roles.
Still, because of how I grew up, the most important people in my life are women. 
I have  large, very large circle of family and lot of favs too among them. But for me, there are few people who epitomise all things strong, charming and beautiful;  AND the fact that they seem to unconditionally love me, despite knowing the worst about me (oh yes!).
I absolutely love them, adore them, respect them and feel blessed to have them in my life.
They never make me doubt, or feel insecure and for me this makes them truly precious.
So, here are my mental-spas (to name a few):
Ma, Ammi, Mistima, Mashimoni and Boro Pishimoni
They are the kind of people who give me a warm sense of relief when I run into panic mode. These guys are always ready to take my fall, even if they have no idea what I've done. They are the ones who make me feel confident and beautiful.
Wishing myself and these special women of my life "A very happy (belated) Woman's day".
Cheers to our bond and womanhood!


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