As time goes by...

Sometimes jobs, responsibilities, marriages and babies take a toll on some of the relationships in our life, and we slowly start drifting towards silos of preoccupation and self-absorption. 
Well, I realized it more today when 3 of my closest friend met after a span of 6-7 years, although we had met each other in between but never happened as a group.
Work and marriage has left us settled in different zone of the world but one thing that was constant through-out was "that high-level relationship". There are indeed some special relationship where you bond immediately even if you are meeting that person after ages and you can start exactly from the point where you have left behind. Such is our bond and I am so proud that we all are making an effort to maintain that. 
C & B has already come and now we are awaiting the grand arrival of L and C...drumroll pliz...Things got slightly unplanned due to L's visa issue and we had to have the get-together today without her (sorry L).
But don't worry L, all things planned and we are having a night-long party on Saturday. Venue is decided, food is planned, baby-sitting is arranged and ***** is also fixed  ;). We just want to re-live those hostel life and what could be better oppurtunity than this!
Kudoes to this ageless friendship and it definitely needs a "Kala Tikka".


  1. Have a gala time di.. :)
    I really dont want to know the things in asterisks. Keep the fun alive in life.. Cheers!!


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