Facts & figures

Besides Shreya's monthly updates, here are some facts about her:

3 Things That Scare Me
Pressure cooker whistle
Person dressed in security/police uniform (I call them "fuish")

3 things That Make Me Laugh
Roughhousing in all mad direction
"Teddybear teddybear" animated song
Repeating words in funny way

3 Things I Love
My Books
Used to be a teddy that Debo masi gifted which Pappa named "Gandhari". Now its a "Bal Ganesh" stuffed toy (which she calls "Moyiya" taken from "Moriya")
My Cycle. Although when I am in play area, other's cycle fascinates me more

3 Things I Hate
Washing my hair. How am I supposed to breathe when water is running down my face? 
Sweets including chocolates. Pappa says I'll change and start hogging them soon.
Wearing dresses and combing my hair. I am already obsessed with my curls, you see.

3 Things I Don't Understand
Why do they have different name for different colors? Why can't everything be called "eello"(yellow), "buu"(blue) or "piiik"(pink)
Why there are numbers beyond 10? 1-10 is a pretty good count.
Why do I have to go in the potty? What are diapers for then?

3 Things On My Floor.
The entire contents of the toy basket.
My entire library
And ofcourse, me too.

3 Things I Can Do
I can give a dimpled smile and make people go "awwww.."
I can get the sign for "potty" but why to restrict oneself in that potty seat when you can "do" that roaming the whole house
I can climb onto the couch & bed easily, stand on them and start jumping and give mom a heart attack.

3 Ways to Describe My Personality
Carry my own sunshine

3 Things I Cant do
I cant go to sleep on my own, specially at night.
I cant drink from my cups without spilling out the content, just to enjoy seeing mom scream.
I cant swallow food without "youtube". Yes, you read it right (and this is the reason Bhochu Uncle named me "youtube baby").

3 Things I Think You Should Listen To
Pappa. He is always right. He is my man!
The song "Dhinka Chika". Rocking!
Doremon talking & animal's sound. Sound's like heaven to me.

3 Absolute Favorite Foods

3 Things I'd Like to Learn
Operate the TV remote and switch channels between Pogo and Cartoon network.
Climb down the stairs without anybody at my back
Run in the main road without panic mommy running behind me

3 Beverages I Drink Regularly
Cold coffee (hee hee)

3 Shows I like Watching
Choota Bheem


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