Where is my "baby"?

And then there're the neatly wrapped 'too big' dresses at the back of the wardrobe that you take out to air one fine day only to discover that its time to put them into permanent retirement, because suddenly they're way too small!
Enough to bring on the depression, isnt it?

I was re-organizing Shreya's wardrobe the other day and I was stunned to see the number of clothes she has outgrown. All the pretty little summery sleeveless frocks that I'd packed away for later because it was too chilly couple of days back in Silchar as well as when we came to Bangalore. Some of the fancy dresses I bought from Canada, the dresses she got as a gift..she's outgrown most of them! Seeing this, it literally broke my heart...
I tell you I'm SO not prepared the way Shreya is just growing up overnight. It'll just be a matter of days before she leaves home for school and I sit by the window weeping wistful tears and reminiscing about her babyhood. Sniff.


  1. Hey...u know i faced the similar situation as many of her frocks I have kept as "big ones" but when took them out Mishti was able to wear it for only couple of times!!!


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