Just for record...

Back from hibernation but with a very small update..sorry about that. 
Lots happening at our end, some big change followed by some big decisions and all that I am trying to do is hold my sanity. 
Well, not really. I am planning some big move from our end and embrace the change that I am currently going through.

Just for record, here is a small update from our end:

- The thing that looked impossible couple of months back has actually been accomplished by us. Yes, me and S has completed 6 long months without being physically present with each other. Its a different story that we make 4-5 ISD calls a day, trying our best to pitch-in into the huge time-difference that sets us apart and know each and every details that is going on in our life but then not being physically present with each other for such a long duration has been something we both were doubtful about. Well, that deserves a pat on our back and not to miss Shreya of course  Poor kid, she has started to believe that Pappa stays inside laptop. Sigh...

- Professional front, I had a big change this month. I have moved to a new lab after serving a stint of 8 long years in my current product. Excited of course but then nervous too as such changes means new role, new technology and most importantly new people. The technology is awesome (Next gen Cloud Computing) and this is what I am excited about.

- Shreya had her 1st sports day in school. Had a fun time to meet all her class mates and their mom. Aakash & Lavanya tops her friend list at this point of time and this is what I got to hear from their parents too. 

- Blogging had taken a backseat and I have nothing other than my new passion to blame. Yes, I am catching up with loads of reading these days and this is taking up all my bandwidth. Will that change? I hope so once I am done with my quota of to-read list.

- My blog received its 1st award. Yahooo. Thanks to Falak. I will acknowledge it real soon and thanks again :)

- Shreya has started speaking in full sentence in last couple of months. I am amazed at her dictionary which increases every day. She can now actually have a free-flowing conversation for a reasonable amount of time. Man, this is really surprising how much she has grown up in last couple of days.

- Me and Shreya had been living without any support since last 1.5 months which had its own pros and cons. Pros being we are all chilled out and this resulted the house look no better than a bachelor mess. Cons is this is getting little boring with time. So the good news is that a set of grandparents are coming all the way to entertain us. Shreya is thrilled and so am I.

- Now the 'baap' of all news, I am going on a long vacation again. YIPPEEE. 
Shhhh....things are still in a very immature state and more details once I get a green signal from office ***grinning ear to ear*** (finger crossed).


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