My first blog award *** drum-roll please***

So, I have seen this on quite a few blogs, you may ask, what is it? 
The Liebster Award basically boosts someone's blog reputation if they have under 200 followers - which I personally is a fantastic idea and and quite a  boost for upcoming and promising blogger! I've been lucky enough to be nominated by a fellow blogger turned friend Falak. A special shout out to you, Falak - thank you dear! 

Tell 11 Random facts about yourself
Answer the questions the nominator has asked in their post
Create 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominate
Nominate 11 bloggers whose blogs you read frequently and who have less than 200 followers.
Inform the nominee by commenting on one of their posts.
No tag back

11 Random things about me:
  • My husband is the foundation of my life...and I admit that shamelessly, even to him which most friends claim is a crime because men are not supposed to know how dependent you are on them. Bah!!!
  • Vibrant colors make me happy. At home, on my clothes...on most of my things.
  • I’m a total Arien. I love talking about myself. Period.
  • I love dancing. Been dancing since I was 4 years old and waiting to re-start along with Shreya.
  • I find it easy to move on. I can disconnect but definitely not forget. Especially if I’m hurt.
  • I’m crazily responsible about my parents. It’s a total reversal now. Them kids….me responsible adult.
  • People crib about their in-laws and that always make me think that I am pretty lucky in that respect. My relationship with them is one of mutual respect, responsibility, affection and a common love for one man.
  • I love travelling and luckily S shares the same passion. Want to pass on the same craze to Shreya. Our best vacation till date was the 5 day long cruise vacation in Singapore.
  • I always think of myself as a career woman. I believe it is the soul of my identity. 
  • I have to speak to my Mom each day, multiple times to be precise. Ever since I left home post graduation, there has not been a single day when I have not spoken to her. Not a single day and I am not exaggerating.
  • I love to read, for that matter anything. Will always have an unread book by my bedside and I am happy that I have a company now - my daughter :)

Answer 11 questions set by the nominator:

1. If you can get to live a famous person's life for one day, who would it be and why?
It has to be Mother Teressa. I absolutely respect her and the mission towards which she has dedicated her life.

2. What has the best blog post you have written (per you) and why do you think so?
Well, this is a difficult question. Its something like to choose the favorite one among your babies. I think all the post which were exclusively written for Shreya and S are close to my heart.

3. What is the worst blogging mistake you have done and why do you think so? 
I have not grown my network and very lazy to leave a comment (which I am working on). I read couple of blogs regularly but then find it difficult to expand, given my busy schedule.

4. 1 book/movie character you would love to become for your life?
During my school days, I was a die-hard fan of M&Bs and I used to visualize myself as the heroin of each of them ***hides face in embarrassment***

5. If you get to do just 1 thing for yourself in 2013 what would you do?
Spend time as a family; just-three-of-us. (Guess this is what I missed badly in 2012)

6. What’s the one food you’d wish to eat all the time and never get bored of? do not think about calories
Well, I have never ever thought about calories when it comes to food :P
Talking about food that I always wish to eat is anything from my mom's kitchen. However cliche it may sound, I still feel that 'My Mom is the greatest cook'.

7. When you were younger what did you want to become? What are your views about that profession now.
I wanted to become pilot. And given an option, I still want to change my career path.

8. What was your favorite fairy-tale as a kid? Why? Do you still like it as much?
Cinderella. And yes I still like it, if not as much.

9. What is the strangest thing about you?
I find it difficult to open up to people. I have a handful of people with whom I can be my true self and I am satisfied that way ;)

10. What is your funniest childhood memory?
Well, there are loads and loads of them and some of them pretty embarrassing to mention here :P

11. One person who has influenced you as a blogger.
My daughter, Shreya. 
This blog is dedicated to her and she is my biggest inspiration as a blogger.

11 questions for my nominated bloggers:

1. If you have to describe yourself in one word, what would that be?
2. Who is your favorite writer and which is the book from him/her you liked the most?
3. If your house is on fire and you do not have time to carry more than 5 things along with you, what all it would be?
4. Being a blogger, did you ever face blogger's block? How did you overcome that?
5. If you are given an option to change only one thing in you, what it would be?
6. Mountain or sea..what fascinates you more?
7. Do you have a real-life role-model? has it changed over-time?
8. If you could bring one book or a person to a desert island, what/who would it be?
9. Do you have a wish-list? Do you track it anywhere?
10. What is your biggest guilty pleasure? 
11. How do you define happiness or rather what does happiness mean to you?

I think by now entire world would have done this tag. If in case you have not been tagged yet, go ahead and tag yourself.


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