Heaven has smiled down on us

"With patience and love, we waited for our baby girl.
With excitement and joy, we announce her to the world.
Our precious little miracle arrived on 15th Oct 2010 at 2:14pm."
This was the birth announcement that was sms'ed to all our friends and relatives.

Shreya...Our dream come true and many more in the making :)

The first few days are undoubtedly the worst. Those initial days are the time when the changes which are simply happening (both physical and emotional) can bring tears to your eyes. Thanks to PPD or should I call it baby-blue!

The first night when she first cried in her Papa's lap (I was not even in the position to hold her) - there is no way I can describe the fear, anxiety, desperation and helplessness that I felt when I saw her tiny face twisted in pain. Even now I feel like crying every time I see her in pain and probably that is how I vent my feelings for her.

But one month down the calendar, things get much better. All the hard work pays off as you see your baby's first real smile. Slowly, coos and laughter take over your days.

However at each stage there are newer challenges.
Back and shoulder aches slowly takes over you because of all the lifting and nursing. Sleepless nights then become a part of life or rather you get used to sleeps that are received in installments. Your diet gets restricted as the baby is on your feed. Your social life goes for a toll as the baby needs to be nursed every couple of hours. And did I mention constipation, tiredness, irritability, hair fall and oops...a part of my stitch which still feels numb even after 1 yr(yes you read it right!). Well, every mother has her labor story but at the end of it there is a beautiful baby.

After all the hard talk, I leave you with a smile.
That's the first picture of Shreya. (at 4:32pm, 15th Oct 2010, Manipal hospital, maternity ward #208B)


  1. emotions so beautifully put....!!
    Luv Gargee

  2. Nicely portrayed..keep going....

  3. @Gargee: Thanks dude!
    @L: thanks thanks.
    @Anupama: Thank u :)


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