
And then, she is 9...

9 is where all baby fats are long gone.
9 is a lot of YouTube, and memes that you don’t understand.
9 is binge watching both Bird Box and Ben-Holly at the same time.
9 is Nancy Drew and Roald Dahl. Also Rebel girls and encyclopedias.
9 thinks the teenagers in Stranger Things are awesome.
9 is hours of yoga painting.
9 finds public hugging revolting.
9 now walks a few steps ahead of you.
9 is also a couple of inches to reach your height.
9 still sing along to the car radio.
9 is clinging to your body every night.
9 melts your heart.
9 tests your patience.
9 breaks the rules.
9 awakens love so exquisite that it scares you.
9 parents you.
9 is a teacher's pet.
9 sneaks up on you.
9 showed up when you least expected her, but when you needed her most.
9 is curious, illuminated by a series of neurons firing rapidly inside her not-quite-developed brain.
9 wants you to read aloud her bedtime stories.
9 is strikingly beautiful.
9 is fiercely sullen one moment, exuberantly buoyant the next.
9 is hard to catch. Much like a toddler.
9 is always hurrying off to discover something new, but turning around to check if you are still there watching.
9 needs her mom just like she needed as a baby.
9 is growing up.
9 is letting go.
9 is still your baby.

To my most loved person for the last 9 years.
Happy birthday.
I’m not sure what I’d do if you weren’t my punching bag, voice of reason, partner in crime, most honest critic and my pillow through all these years.

You’re wished everything you wish for yourself and more. Just be the amazing human being you are and life will unfold as it should.

Mimme & Papa


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