My wonder years to yours...

This home-trip of mine got me nostalgic and made me travel down the memory lane of my childhood days. The sequence of memories comes flashing in front of my eyes and all that I can do is visualize it with a smile. I feel that I had the 'happiest childhood' and that there is a sea of differences between Shreya's wonder years and mine. And with a heavy heart I have to admit that she is missing some of those undiluted fun which was so much abundant during our time.

If I am ever given a power to pick up things from my childhood for my girl, they would be these...

Pets - I always had pet(s) in my house. Initially dog, then a cat and then again a dog (my Tuffy). Growing up with pets made me realize that you can never know the pleasure of owning those four legged creature and their unconditional love till you have one of those in the house.
On top of that, most of my relatives had a pet (mostly dog). So we used to plan a pet-party and it used to be so much of madness. I was also told that most of those holidays afternoon of mine was spent in the field running after a stray goat or a calf. 
Seeing the joy in Shreya's eyes when she played with Tuffy this time back home made my heart go awww and re-confirmed my decision to adopt a pet in our family really soon.
Pets surely make us better people.

Books - I was introduced to the dreamland of books by my English teacher and my first addiction during my pre-teens and teen days were undoubtedly M&Bs. Books definitely take you to a different world; be it a magic world of Harry Porter or a romantic saga of love story or a fictional town in a drama. 
So for Shreya, I have decided that I will do whatever it takes to grow her interest in books and yes Shreya, I may not say 'yes' to many things that you demand/would demand in the coming years but you can always buy whatever book fancies you wherever and whenever you want.

Pleasure of joint-family - I grew up in a joint-family with over 20 people staying under the same roof and with this experience I can say that I would not have been the same person today if I would have not got that experience. People crib that family cannot be chosen and I am go glad that it is that way. Those family celebration for no-apparent reason, cousins get-together, leg-pulling and then laughing out on family-jokes, those small pleasure of being together are a real 'aahaa-moment' of my life.
I grew up with loads and loads of people around me and I so much wish that I could pass that fun to you.

Comfortable in one's own company - Loneliness can be strangely liberating, if spent in the company of a person you like and admire and love and that is your own self. This is a blessed gift and I wish you don't always need people around you to be happy and can seek happiness in solitude. 

Gadgetfree life - Shreya, I would like you to build up the ability to have a good time with JUST friends, without any need for toys / playpens / video games / sport equipment 
exactly like my childhood which was spent whiling away hours chasing kites, playing in the sandpits, devising 'ghar ghar', 'teacher teacher', 'doctor doctor' and what not!

Assurance - Shreya, I would want you to know and get it imbibed in your mind that 
whatever happens Pappa & Mimme will be there for you. I had that from my parents, a complete faith and unquestioning acceptance, and believe me this assurance is still my ROCK.

That's all for now Shreya. Have fun and stay happy


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