What’s the hurry?

I know I want to be an easygoing mother - no high pressure to- be-a doctor / engineer /Harvard graduate from me. But seeing the world around me make me wonder if I can at all stick to this motto.

Fast-forwardness in our life has not even left these innocent souls..Sigh!!!
By the time the baby has barely latched on, you want to know how soon you can feed solids. 
By the time you feed solids, you want to know how soon they can walk. 
By the time they get on to their feet, you want to know when they will start talking.
Then, one fine day, you complain that you miss them being babies.

And there is no end to comparing baby notes..another big devil I say. 
When your baby is barely turning, someone else’s has flipped over. 
When yours has flipped over, someone else’s has sat up. 
When yours has sat up, someone else’s is crawling. 

Poor babies! They are under performance pressure right from the womb. 
Is it kicking? 
Is it moving enough? 
Is it in perfect position? 
And once born, it’s all about: Is she latching on? Is she sleeping? Is she responding to his name?
And then it goes on to: Is she eating? Teething? Crawling? Walking? Talking? Writing?

The thing is, babies will do whatever they have to do whenever they are ready for it. 
So if yours hasn't started solids till nine months while another’s did at six, big deal?
Or if yours started talking at two years while another’s started at 11 months, so what?

Personally I am in no rush. I don’t care if your baby can recognize all the birds and animals in the book. My personal experience says that kids learning curve is much more steep when they are in a relaxed environment and none but my kid proves this again and again. 
There’s no way a child can get away from learning the alphabet, the numbers, birds or animals, but my point is, what’s the hurry? 

On this similar line, I had this interesting conversation with one of my apartment neighbour during Shreya's park-time: 

She: Is she going to playschool?
Me: No, she plays at home
She: How old is she? Isn't she 2 years old? 
Me: Yes, but..what’s the hurry?
She: Mine is so bored at home, he needs constant stimulation. So I send him to art class, dance class, song class, play school…blah blah blah
Me: Really? So when does he get the time to be a baby?


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