The morning after

I just love the morning after...I mean, after the night I finish a book ;)

It feels like waking up to a new world, each time.
Today since morning I find myself thinking of all the characters that I read, the incidents that took me to the edge & made me bite my nails, the romance that made me dream and the climax that took me high.
It feels like whatever world I was living in through this book has come to an end and when I wake up I have the chance to choose an entirely new one for myself. 

Drooling at the stack of new, unread books ; picking them up, reading the back covers, inside panels; rolling them between my hands; smelling the ink of a new book, thinking about what the plot could be and then finally settling down to it. 
Its a completely amazing feeling. 
A feeling that no candy shop, dessert shop can give..'s the fantasy that would keep you hooked and come back to it at any chance given.


  1. love your writing style.. very expressive.. way to go.. keep writing..

  2. @Debozani: Thank u so much .. **blush blush**


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